by theproflife

Ira McAliley

Hey All, 
For my 59th birthday this year, I am asking my friends to consider donating to an important artistic endeavor. “A King in Paradise” is a project created and activated by my good friend Professor Steven Cleavland, a professor of ethnic studies and filmmaker.  I have become a part by donating $$ and producing interview segments with African Americans living in Hawaii, that will be included in the virtual museum gallery exhibit. This project is about a slice of history that many have not heard, and it creates more context about Dr Martin Luther Kings mission and journey.  Donate as little or as much as you can, knowing that you are contributing to educating people on an important part of American history. 

Our mission is to promote a cross-generational understanding of Black history and our current Black lives moment. Each element of the project provides space for us to dream about Black futures in different ways. Currently, we are hosting the 2nd Annual A King Community Event as a part of the 2024 MLK Weekend in Oahu, Hawaii.  
Please consider supporting this work and the other important programs that we support.
All donations are  tax deductible and we welcome amount of any amounts
Or, you can become a foundational sponsor by making a tax-deductible donation of $1,000 or more.
$1,000 +
Listed as founding sponsor on all 2023 promotional material
$2,500 + 
Founding sponsor & invited to special events.
$5,000 +
Founding sponsors at this level will be invited to special events and to a post-campaign meeting with Project Lead to explore ways that we can amplify, partner and secure resources for future work.